tuesdays thoughts

The plans i had neatly written lastnight did not happen.Everything i mentioned to carlee to do today was met with tantrums and absolute refusal.I even at one point gave her time on the computer in an attempt to start the day over on a better foot.The attempt was unsuccessful. All she wanted to do today was watch tv,play the computer,dance and do the exact opposite of anything i asked her to do or wanted to do with her.She is growing more aggressive by the day. When things dont go her way she will just tear up what ever paper is nearby no matter what it may be.She seems to have severe complications in regulating her moods and behaviour.Nothing i do or say seem to make a difference.At this point i admit i am frustrated.It doesnt help for hubby to come home and ask what did you do all day with her?Then say she needs to be getting an education ,she has to go back to school.If he could just lay off and support me it would absolutely a miracle.I dont hav e any idea how to get my child to treat me with respect .If i cant get her father to how is she supposed to. I would love to get through homeschool with her and have a great day of learning and cooperating.sigh!

About carleesmom

i am a stay at home mommy to a wonderful five year old girl and wife to a wonderful man of whome i can love and be annoyed by at the same time!

4 responses »

  1. Hang in there, Momma. Don’t give up.

  2. hi ya Sweet Sis!!! Breathe in HIS Presence and linger there every chance you get!!!!
    Prayers and Hugsssss continued~~~Dena

  3. Even regular kids don’t ever follow along with our plans. Autistic children just have a different way of expressing it. My prayers are with you. Many Blessings, Lora from CCW


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